Saturday, July 4, 2015

Let Freedom Ring....

Here it is another Independence Day commemorating our freedom.   We claim to live in a free society, but what is freedom?  Is it the right to say whatever we want and shout it at the top of our lungs?  Is it the right to latch on to every word/sound-bite/tweet and spread our so called "enlightenment" via multi-media to the entire world?   For those who live in countries without freedom of speech, these freedoms we are allowed to  practice without legal action may seem a wonderful privilege.  But perhaps what many consider to be practicing freedom is actually part of what is fettering us from the inner peace and freedom that would truly improve the daily lives of all.

I personally would like to  free myself from the noise of discontent that is part of this "American dream in practice".    And how does one do this?  Ignore the ranting social media posts. Stop listening to CNN, Fox News, and all of their spokespersons.  Does it really matter if the sound bite comes from the Left or the Right?  Aren't most of these people basically saying the same thing?  Yet, yes, I've "drunk the kool aid" and allowed every perceived ill in society to invade my peace of mind.  And I am ready for true freedom.

What about the freedom to admit I am culpable in making the world what it is today?  What about the freedom to not engage in the petty fights?    What about just making an effort to be kind to those who are set in my path?  There is a famous "freedom fighter" who said "Be the change you want to see in the world".  And this freedom fighter, Mahatma Gandhi succeeded in freeing the nation of India from the British Empire .    So, perhaps turning off the TV with the rage-mongers and demonstrating compassion will lead us to be truly free.

May I practice freedom from discontent.  May God grant me the grace to be kind to all and uncomplaining.  Let freedom ring!

Happy Independence Day.   And that's Penny's Two Cents.

So what is your Two Cents?   What does freedom mean to you?

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