Thursday, December 24, 2015

Being the Peace on Earth

When the angels originally sang "peace on earth" at the advent of Christ, the people of the day expected a transformation of the world around them.  Yet, it seems that Jesus did little to change the external circumstances of the world.  Therefore, one might conclude that he was talking about inner peace--the inner peace he referred to as "the peace that surpasses all understanding".

Apparently, peace can be  a personal choice.  I can choose to turn off the Fox News or CNN rants and raves.  I can stop the Twitter feed.  I can choose to not equip myself with an arsenal in response to the violence.   I can choose not to hang around people who are easily angered or upset by what is perceived as catastrophe.

Both the Judeo-Christian notion of sowing and reaping and the eastern concept of karma allows for a causal benefit of individuals choosing to be at peace.  One then might conclude that the serenity which individuals practice in their lives might be contagious.   Perhaps then, the outer circumstances of the world could be infected by this peace.

This is a challenge.  I sometimes get upset.   I don't always meditate daily.   Yet, I can still catch myself and choose to not preoccupy my mind with the worries of a world in which I have no control over.  What can I control?   I can offer a smile to any being the universe sends my way.   And this is being the peace on earth.

God bless us everyone.

And that's Penny's two cents.