Today at church, the homily was given and on Matthew 5:1-5, known in Christian circles as the five verses or sentences of the Be-Attitudes. Jesus went up to a mountain top to give this teaching to the common people of his day. These people lived in poverty, were in a country occupied by Rome, were constantly bombarded with rumors and actions against their government, saw that the religious leaders of their day were more concerned with politics and appearances than the plight of their people, and as Hebrew people were very oppressed in their society. Jesus was telling these people that they were blessed. And this is a basic run down of what he said that day.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". Who are the poor in spirit? They are those who according to their own society's standards have nothing to be happy about. They don't own nice cars, homes, have 401K's or college funds for their children.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted". Those who have experienced loss of loved ones, careers, marriages, and health are in this category
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Who are the meek? I see them as the lowliest in our society. The dumpster divers digging out cans, those who live in homeless shelters, and those who are in prison. They include those who are oppressed and need a voice to advocate for them.
There are several more of these verses/teachings in this sermon of Jesus. But I would like to just concentrate on these first three for this writing. What does blessed mean? It means favored by God, it means to be picked as God's chosen. The Christian tradition often infers that Jesus was saying that by enduring their current state, these people would experience the "best" in their afterlife. But I don't agree.
Seven years ago I was no longer able to work due to some serious health conditions that have plagued the body I live in. I could not give my daughter the attention children with healthier parents received. I had to rest long hours and could not get out much to meet with friends or do the things I loved to do like sing in the choir. I could not give my spouse the kind of support he needed. I couldn't keep up my house. I had family members and "friends" who were skeptical about the severity of my illness.
Later, my spouse lost his job too. We filed bankruptcy. We were in foreclosure limbo. And in the midst of these circumstances, I knew one decision I needed to make for the health of myself and my daughter was to get a divorce. Family members, clergy, and many "friends" were eager to tell me how unwise this decision was for me. All while being in the midst of having low income and chronic illness. But listen to Jesus, folks. I was blessed, I was f-ing blessed!!
Truth be told, this experience WAS the blessing! I had to get on my knees and pray for direction as I never prayed and be satisfied that if my decision was ok with God and me and no one else, than that was good enough. If everyone else in the universe believed I was feigning the severity of my illness, so what. I embraced my truth and lived it, and my life was blessed.
I learned that I had inherent value even if I couldn't work, clean, or get out of the house much. I embraced opportunities when others would take my daughter on fun outings. I became very close to a few wonderful women who could understand me. I invited people over when the house was still in disarray. When I would go to the drugstore, I would offer a smile and conversation to whoever I encountered. I learned not to be afraid about what would happen in the future. Because according to societal standards, I didn't have one. But it didn't matter, because I was happy! I was blessed.
A few months ago, I was finally awarded social security disability. I sing in the choir. I am writing this weekly blog. I am blessed, but as my living conditions improve, I sometimes forget. I've been picking up some nice items to decorate the apartment. I am on an internet dating site. But I still have health set backs and right now the clutter in the apartment feels overwhelming.
So what did I do? I yelled at my daughter. Perhaps she could help more, but the bottom line is that I forgot that I am blessed. I have an incredible teenage daughter. I have a roof over my head and income and goals. So what if the apartment is running a bit a-muck. (I got like one of those overachieving obsessive compulsive perfectly healthy rich and super busy people - Ugh)! I know if it is important to get the house in order NOW, God and the universe will give me the energy or the help or the right people to ask for help. In the big scheme of things, it doesn't matter. Because I am blessed, right now.
And that's Penny's two cents.
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