I pulled my 1998 Nissan Altima into the gas station for another fill. Holy Crockpot, Batman! How did the gas price manage to bounce up close to 50 cents moreper gallon in a little over a week? I am sure any of you economics experts can explain how Q3 hedges over exceeded future commodity expectations and production to supply ratios were affected by the strikes in New Albania (ya-da-ya-da-ya-da); but I am talking about how such an increase affects the everyday life of ME. I don't want to spend more of my limited income on gas to go places.
I live in Bakersfield, California where the oil (pronounced ol' by the local immigrants from Oklahoma) industry is a major employer in this community. The irony is that there are so many people here who drive big trucks, SUV's, and muscle cars from previous decades you would think that this community is filled with a majority who are insulated from the rising costs of gasoline. But we live in the county with one of the highest unemployment and government assistance rates in the state of California. It's great to support one of the local industries, but are we so beholding to them that we want to give away a good portion of our "disposable" income to them?
Well for me, the answer is no. I will likely be some sort of consumer of the industry's goods for several years to come between gasoline and petroleum based products we use in every day life like plastic computer keyboard keys and polyester blended clothing. I'm not boycotting the industry. It's just that I seem to have more incentive than many around me to cut down on gasoline consumption. I plan every trip I make. I make my daughter take the school bus. I encourage my teen daughter to arrange to car pool with others for activities. If there weren't so many roads in Bakersfield with speed limits in excess of 50 mph, I would have her ride her bike.
And not even considering the environmental ramifications, do I really want to buy a commodity that is imported from countries that don't like Americans very much? A few years back, John McCain shared on his Facebook status that he bought a hybrid. I found it ironic that the majority of the comments did everything short of calling him a puss*. Other comments included bragging about how they were still driving their SUV's full-blast down the highway. Is there something wrong with wanting to use less gasoline? Is it un-American?
Well as for me, I will still continue to keep my driving minimal. And I am still driving the old Altima that gets in the mid-30's on the highway. When it dies, unless they invent an electric/hybrid engine to drive a classic muscle car, or an electric car that can go 300 + miles on a charge, I'm likely buying a Prius. And that's Penny's two cents.
I like your 2 cents. i was shocked yesterday when the news said the gas went up .30 cents in one day. crazy. yet my mom said in Oklahoma gas is around $1cheaper than here. something seems wrong with even that.