So what changed? This past September, I was able to go see Dr. Karen Herbst in Tuscon, Arizona, the premiere fat disorder doctor in the country. She was able to determine that the lipedema fat in my body was limited and restricted to the inner and outer upper thigh at this time. She also confirmed that there was lymphedema in my left limb and that this body had idiopathic edema as well. Dr. Herbst was very concerned about the great deal of swelling / edema and documented several recommended treatments. This information was concise and given to me to take back to my primary health care source: The Veteran's Administration.
Shortly after this visit, my VA primary care provider started processing requests. The first therapeutic item I received was a lymph pump. The vendor's therapist showed me how to use this device and so I began doing two hourly treatments each day. Next the VA scheduled me for two weeks of intense decongestive therapy with compression wrapping. A wonderful Occupational Therapist with lymph drainage training worked with me and taught me quite concisely how to do manual lymph drainage on myself. And the fluid started to move, and I started to lose weight.
All of these things were helpful and cathartic in my health improvement. In fact, my right knee is no longer turning inward and my gait has returned to normal! Yet perhaps there was something deeper responsible for this inertia. The treatments were helping as the content, but there was a context I was operating under as well.
As a spiritual sojourner, I have become aware that much of these body conditions are either inherited through karma and often perpetuated by my own mind. I do not wish to minimize or suggest anyone else's suffering or diagnoses are not real. Yet the great faiths have a common thread/premise of sowing and reaping, blessing and cursing, and karma. So I thought to myself, what if this extra hard lipedema fat was born from the thoughts and words that originated by others, and even more ironic, myself? What if I programmed my body every time I said, "Everything I eat goes to my thighs?" Hmmm....

I have no idea how far this progress will go. I am loving myself and my legs that have carried me this far. All I have is the present moment, and I am embracing life NOW. To G-d be the glory!
And that's Penny's two cents.
Some current links on lipedema and mantras: